Whenever someone I know or someone I meet finds out that I've done triathlons, they almost always say, "I've thought about doing one, but....
..."I don't swim very well"
..."I don't have a bike"
..."I don't have time"
..."I can't afford all the fancy gear"
....and much much more.
I'll address those points later. What this tells me is that for everyone that's done a triathlon, there are many who are interested and just haven't made the leap. With that in mind, here is my very carefully curated list of the top reasons (in no particular order) you should do a triathlon.
You CAN do it
Competing in anything is a great way to confront and overcome self-doubt. You only have to finish one race to know you can do it. The goal of a first race should be to finish. Having that experience under your belt will give you confidence not only for your next race, but in other areas of your life!
You don't need a fancy bike
I did my first race on a $50 mountain bike. I replaced the knobby tires with some slick tires I picked up at the local shop. It weighed a ton and it was ugly, but it was all I needed for a first race.
My goal for my first few races was to swim comfortably enough and slow enough to keep my heart rate down and get safely out of the water on the other end. I wasn't above breast-stroking or floating on my back to catch my breath and/or regroup. The secret to swimming is staying calm.
You probably have more time than you think
Swim once or twice a week for 20 minutes, Bike twice a week for 30 minutes, run twice a week for 30 minutes. Do this for 8 to 10 weeks leading up to your first race. There's your triathlon starter pack. Yes you can invest a lot more time, but to finish your first sprint this will do.
We Have All Been Where You Are
Everyone that has completed a triathlon, won an age group, won a race or gone pro was once someone who thought about trying a triathlon. Everyone wants you to do well and enjoy your race.
The sense of accomplishment
The sense of accomplishment you will feel crossing the finish line is amazing every......single....time! I get emotional finishing every race. It doesn't matter if it's a sprint or an Iron Distance race.
Being Outdoors
Running and riding outside is awesome, especially when the weather is nice! It's also a little addicting.
Being Indoors
In truth, indoor training isn't that much fun, but it will make you mentally tougher.
Almost every race has swag in the form of a shirt, hat, stickers, or water bottles.
Window Stickers
They're cheap, and I dare you to resist the urge to put a "swim.bike.run" sticker on your car once you've finished a triathlon!
A lot of races now give finisher medals. They're fun, unique, and symbolic of your achievement.
More Friends
Don't be surprised if you walk away from your first race with several new friends that you really enjoy staying in touch with. Also, don't be surprised if you find yourself planning future races with one or more of your new friends.
It can take you places
The popularity of the sport makes it pretty easy to find races nearby. Once you've done a race or two, it's not unusual to start considering races further out. I can do a whole season of racing in and around Louisville, but I've made trips to Columbus, Ohio and Austin, Texas for races.
Bikes are cool
Enough said. You'll agree.
Bikes are gateways to other bikes
Ok. This may not be true for everyone, but I couldn't wait to buy a road bike after finishing my first race on a mountain bike.
Bikes are eco-friendly
Once you start riding, you will find other ways and times to ride. You'll reduce your carbon footprint!(Try to couple that with driving less and reducing your use of plastic straws)
If you can learn, you can swim
I know a guy in his late 50s that can complete a Half IronMan in just over 5 hours. For those new to triathlons, that's pretty fast. That's faster than I can do it at age 39 (Though I hope to change that). You would be amazed to find out that he LEARNED TO SWIM in his 40s!
Yes. you can learn to swim.
Your perspective will change
Crossing the finish line for the first time confirms you can do it. It'll be easier from now on. It will no longer be an accomplishment that is off in the distance. As a result...
Your confidence will grow
As you can imagine, this benefits you in immeasurable ways and has implications in all areas of life. Congratulations!
You'll hate it
It doesn't matter how many races you do and it doesn't matter the distance. There is always a moment where you are filled with dread. It might be in anticipation of a tough workout or it might be in the middle of a race. This is normal and a test of your grit.
You'll love it
Every dreadful moment that you push through is followed by a sense of accomplishment. Over time you will look forward to the tough workouts and tough races. Overcoming each one affirms your strength and builds your confidence.
You'll wonder why you did it
Full disclosure. Racing brings pain. You will have times in a race or after where you wonder why you thought it was a good idea. In my experience these moments are fleeting. At the end of my first Half Iron Distance I told my wife one was enough. It was only a few months later I was planning my next.
You'll do it again
See above. I don't know why, but I always want to have a race on the calendar.
Your goals will change
The goal of the first race and the goal of the 10th race may be to finish. You will find yourself competing with yourself to finish faster than before, or to finish a longer race, or to finish on the podium.
You'll be better...
...in a number of ways. Your clothes will fit differently. Your attitude towards yourself will improve. Your time management will be better, etc. This point itself is worthy of an entirely separate blog post.
The Eating
I started triathlon as a way to lose weight (I was up 50 pounds) and minimize the amount of time I was running. I was surprised to learn that I was able to eat pretty much the same (or more) and the weight fell off.
A lot of races have DJs or music. It really adds a great atmosphere to the event and provides a mental breather as you race.
Unlike other social media platforms, it is all encouragement, all the time!
The Community
The triathlon community is amazing! Encouragement, energy, friends. It's all there. Most cities have clubs made up of triathletes at all experience levels. It's a wonderful thing to get involved with.
Free swim caps!
As you rack up races, you will never buy another swim cap!
At first it's like a foreign language, but as time goes by you'll know your FTP, tempo pace, Max Heart rate, etc. and you'll know what it all means.
The Fashion
You may be worried about being seen publicly in lycra tri kits, but everyone else is wearing the same thing so you won't care.
In all likelihood you will do better than you thought you would. You will also finish ahead of some folks you didn't think you would and get beaten by some you didn't think you would. You cannot judge a triathlete by appearance. Trust me.
It's a gateway
To more races....
to another bike...
to breakthroughs...
to mental toughness...
to self-confidence...
the list goes on...
You'll inspire someone
There are people watching you that will notice what you're doing. You won't know that. They may or may not say something to you, but they will see what you're doing and it will motivate them to do something!! That in itself, aside from all the points in this post, makes it all worthwhile!!
You'll be smarter with your time
We all have busy schedules. It's not difficult to find 30 minutes here and there, but as you catch the triathlon bug you will find yourself working hard to increase 30 minute workouts to 45 and 60 minute workouts. The best advice I can offer is to put family first, work second, and look for opportunities in the gaps to get your workouts in. It may be early in the morning, during lunch or in the evening.
You'll Be In the Moment
There is no such thing as multitasking. I'm a better dad, husband, leader and colleague when I'm focused. The key is focusing and not being distracted. When you're home, focus on your role at home. When you're at work, focus on your role at work. When you're working out, let that be your focus. Plan ahead and these areas will compete less.
It takes little knowledge of the sport to get involved. Once you've completed a race, the opportunities to learn are boundless. The more you get to learn about the nuances of training each discipline, the more you can improve and mark your improvement in each.
It's Easier to Sleep
Before triathlon, the stress of work often led to trouble sleeping. After triathlon....Zzzzzz
It's Easier to Wake Up
I don't know why, but it just is.
Your Heart Will Thank You
Who has two thumbs and a resting heart rate of 54? This guy!!
It's pretty simple. It's good for your cardiovascular health. I won't quote the stats here, but heart disease is a problem in our country. Google it.
It Will Occupy Your Thoughts
Just do a race. Tell me if you don't think about it and contemplate another one. If I'm wrong, I'll remove this point in the blog.
You Will Inspire Someone
Yes. I said this twice. What?
It Doesn't Matter How You Finish
Finishing is an achievement! Plain and Simple. We were all there once and we are proud of you! We will celebrate with you!
There is a Distance for Everyone
The best place to start is with the sprint distance. (Swim is anywhere from 400-800m. Bike usually 8-20 miles. Run is typically a 5k or less.) It's my preferred distance. Up from there is the Olympic (or International) Distance (1500m swim, 40km bike, 10km run). Then you have the Iron Distance. Half Iron (1.2 mile Swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) and Iron Distance (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run)
There are Races Near You
You just have to know where to look. Good starting points are active.com and Google.
It's Something New
Most of us enter the sport as adults with no experience. Some sooner and some later. I was 31 when I entered my first race. That's pretty normal and comes with a healthy dose of self-doubt. It also comes with a sense of curiosity and excitement!
New Goals
Entering the triathlon world gives you new goals to achieve if you're an athlete from another sport. Maybe you're an experienced runner who could run a sub 16 minute 5k in your 20s, but you're 40 something now and you know that's behind you. Perhaps you're an accomplished swimmer looking for a new challenge. Entering triathlon gives you new goals to set and break through!
You Won't Regret It
It doesn't matter if you do one race or many. You will always be able to say you have done a triathlon, and you will be able to say it with pride and a sense of achievement!!